The NZALP MBF- ATC is a Mutual Benefit Fund established to assist controllers in the event of temporary or permanent loss of Medical Certificate.
The Fund is run by a group of Trustees many of whom are active ATCO’s themselves. The Fund has access to a number of medical professionals throughout NZ and our excellent administrative staff are based in Wellington. More details about the Trustees and staff can be found elsewhere on this website.
The Fund was established in 1991 when agreement was reached between Airways Corporation of New Zealand and NZALPA for an independent body to administer and assist controllers who have Medical Certificate issues. Thus the MBF is not run or controlled by Airways or ALPA – it is owned by the members and controlled by the Trustees, on their behalf.
The Fund is governed by a set of Rules and these Rules can only be changed following a vote by members.
The main goal of the MBF is to assist the members to regain their medical certificate and return to work. The vast majority of cases result in the member regaining fitness and successfully returning to work.
Further information is available through any of the Trustees, the office staff in Wellington or elsewhere on this website.